Collection of recipes

The collection of recipes includes the examples of Seto cuisine.

Some of the recipes are traditional, while others feature some modern touches. Several of these recipes have been published in the book ʺKostipäävä paremba’ pala’ʺ (Recipes from Pop-up Cafés along the Seto Külävüü). In most cases, the Seto food is easy to make and does not require any special material.

The only exception is perhaps the dried smelt, that is sold on the market of Pechory in Russia, but is increasingly available in Estonian supermarkets as well. It can, however, be substituted for dried anchovies. Many of the recipes call for smoked ham. The best kind is the one smoked in a smoke sauna, but if not available, then any traditional smoked ham will do.

There are several recipes of cold soups in the collection – try them all to find out your favourite!
