
Makes 12

This cake is also called a moss cake because when you bite into it, it has the soft feel of moss. With a heap of whipped cream on top decorated with flowers and berries it really does look like a mossy piece of turf!


Cake layer:
4 eggs
200 ml sugar
1 dl flour
100 ml potato starch
1 tsp baking powder

200 g yoghurt: 
200 g curds
a sour berry juice or syrup 

200-300 dl whipping cream
a little sugar
vanilla to taste
a variety of berries and edible flowers for decoration


Separate the eggs. Beat the yolks lightly with sugar, and beat the whites to soft peaks. Fold together gently. Mix the flour with starch and baking powder and add the dry mixture gently to the wet ingredients. Pour the batter into a 26 cm springform cake pan. Bake on the lower oven rack at 175°C for about 40 minutes.

Slice the cake into two layers and soak them with juice or syrup. Spread one of the layers with the yoghurt and curds cream. Place the second layer on top of it.

Whip the cream and apply to the cake. Decorate with berries and flowers.

See also other recipes